Aesthetics & Efficiency – Get the Best of Both with Warmcore Windows from Profix

Traditional aluminium systems can force you to choose aluminium aesthetics and finish over thermal performance. Warmcore windows from the Synseal Group gives you both due to its innovative full width thermal core providing 25% more thermal efficiency.

Available as casement or tilt and turn, and with a flush sash option that brings the outer frame perfectly level with the opening part of the window - they are a warm, secure and beautiful addition to any house. Attention to detail is key to the finish of this range of windows. For example, the flush sash used as stepped outerframe so the sash sits on the same plane as the rest of the window, and where the two windows meet, a feature mullion echoes this to creates a precise bead line in between.

warmcore Flush Sash window Full warmcore window draft_flush_ortho1

With their clean modern lines, large fixed pane ‘picture windows’ or those with multiple openers are not a problem for Warmcore windows from Profix, which makes them perfectly suited to both modern architecture and replacement projects.

Designed from the ground up to offer market-leading thermal performance, the range comfortably meets the requirements of Building Regulations across the whole of the UK. With the Profix service guarantee Warmcore windows are available with lean lead times and low costs. Their robustness and durability, combined with high strength and energy performance, makes this fantastic new product for specifiers, architects and developers.

For more information on our range of Warmcore Windows please click here or alternatively you can contact Alan Sadler on 01827 63351.